
Tohani Mosia de la Tohani Rose Wine 750ml

Muntenia Rose Medium sweet 12% 8-10°C light summer salads, seafood, red fish, pasta or fruit dessert
Vivino rating: 3.5 / 5

Pale and crystalline rose. Pleasant and delicate perfume. Rosehip flowers, next to red berries, like strawberries and raspberries. Light citrus notes. Tastewise, it is delicate and intense at the same time, the fruity notes of raspberries and rose sweetness harmoniously combining with citrus sensations and savoury minerality. Cool and aromatic.

Best served with: light summer salads, seafood, red fish, pasta or fruit dessert.

Recommended serving temperature: 8-10°C

Tohani Mosia de la Tohani Rose Wine 750ml