
Red Bowler Blended Scotch Whisky with 2 glasses 700ml 40% ABV


Red Bowler is a genuine Blended Scotch Whisky, produced in Scotland by one of the most famous producers in the world, Whyte & Mackay, founded in 1844 and based in Glasgow, Scotland. Red Bowler respects all the definitions of Scotch Whisky. Red Bowler is bottled by the Alexandrion Group, a Romanian company.

Red Bowler Blended Scotch Whisky is defined as a combination of one or more Single Malt Scotch Whiskies with one or more Single Grain Scotch Whiskies, according to a secret recipe.

The specific characteristics of Red Bowler (full-balanced, daring unique character) are given by the differences in the production process:  the geography, geology and climate of Scotland; the skills and knowhow of the distiller and the blender.

Colour: Radiant gold with yellow highlights.

Nose: Delicate and intense.Rich and round with soft
smooth pleasing tones.

Palate: These attributes are also reflected on the palate, giving it a full refined after-taste. Plenty of flavour - a noble blend.

Ageing: Matured in oak casks for minimum 3 years.

Character: Daring & unique

Red Bowler Blended Scotch Whisky with 2 glasses 700ml 40% ABV

The Bowler hat

Bowler hat is a hard felt hat with a narrow brim and a rounded crown. The hat was designed in 1849 by Lock & Co’s chief hatters, Thomas and William Bowler (hence the name), for the British middle class.

“It denoted informality and practicality, as it was juxtaposed with the more formal top hat,” Beatrice Behlen, senior curator for fashion and decorative arts at the Museum of London, told Artsy.

“In the early 20th century, the bowler became one of the most popular hats.”

"Hat's On!"

The expression evokes the idea that consumers can join the journey of discovery by pulling on their Red Bowler Hat to break down boundaries and bring people together to drinking scotch in an informal way, removing the traditional stiff of Scotch whisky and becoming a modern approachable brand.

The brand is an unconventional brand, doesn’t follow the norm, almost rebellious (like putting your hat on inside vs what is expected taking it off inside). Making something that is so traditional into something rebellious and modern, wearing different hats, being inclusive. 

Appealing and inspiring as associated with the idea of party and entertaining oneself.

Linked to the idea of bars and people gatherings – the hats could be a distinctive sign for those heavy party people, the ones that do not go with the crowd and have fun in their own way. "Hats on” sets a mood, an invitation for having fun, enjoying a good time irrespective of the background or previous events (“leave aside any worry and simply have fun”). It generates connection and emotions, as people find it suitable in various places and circumstances – a regular night in the club, parties, special events, music events etc.

It is appealing and relevant also for the brand positioning – being different, rebel, not following the norms (of a scotch). It has potential to create the idea of a tribe – a group of people following the same direction, with an original approach.