Purcari 1827 Chardonnay White Wine 750ml
Purcari 1827 Chardonnay is a sophisticated and complex dry white wine. Obtained from carefully selected grapes, harvested by hand and vinified using traditional methods.
Aged in French oak barrels for 6 months, where it develops a refined character, despite being a fairly complex range, the wine benefits from excellent aromatic balance.
Colour: it has an open golden color, with shades of amber.
Bouquet: intense aroma, dominated by exotic flowers and fruits.
Taste: The intense aroma is dominated by jasmine flower, exotic fruits, pineapple, lemons, apricots. The
full, opulent taste is complex, with notes of nectarines, vanilla and almonds, followed by a long aftertaste dominated harmoniously by shades of ripening.
Food pairing: cream cheese, raw vegetable salad, turkey fillet au gratin with black rice.
Serving temperature: 10 – 12°C.