Purcari 1827 Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine 750ml
Purcari 1827 Cabernet Sauvignon is a red wine with an attitude: powerful, and robust. Made exclusively from hand-picked Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. Vinified using traditional methods. Afterwards, the wine ages in French oak barrels for 12 months. Completes its elegant character and gains depth and complexity.
Colour: intense ruby red with violet reflections.
Bouquet: seductive scent of black cherries; elegantly enveloped by accents of exotic spices.
Taste: complex bouquet; predominantly fruity (blackcurrant and redcurrant). Purcari 1827 Cabernet Sauvignon presents notes of chocolate, raisins and hints of vanilla borrowed during the aging period.
Food pairing: cheese with mold or beef in gorgonzola sauce, venison, grilled red meat, smoked meat and sausages.
Serving temperature: 18-20°C.