Cramele Recas

Cramele Recas Cuvee Uberland Red Wine 750ml

BanatRedDry / Brut14%16-18⁰C lamb chop in pistachio crust, duck breast, pasta with truffles and parmesan, Wagyu beef entrecote, filet mignon with red wine sauce, lamb chops with puree, blue cheeses (Roquefort, Stillton, Gorgonzolla), desserts based on dark chocolate and black fruits.
Vivino rating: 4.4 / 5

Cuvée Überland is the flagship wine of Recaș Wineries, with a winemaking history recognized by numerous local and international distinctions - the last of which being that of the best Romanian red wine in the "London Wine Competition 2022". 2021 was one of the best years in the last 40 years in terms of the yield of red varieties at Cramele Recaș.

Ruby red in color, almost opaque, the wine is intense in aroma, with a perfect balance between fruit and woody notes: blackcurrants, blueberries and ripe figs. In the background we distinguish complex notes of burnt wood, chocolate and sour cherries. In terms of taste, the 2021 edition of the Cuvée stands out for its imposing structure and firm but elegant body. Cuvee Überland 2021 is a wine with an aging potential of at least 15 years. To be enjoyed young, we recommend aerating the wine in a decanter.

Best served with: lamb chop in pistachio crust, duck breast, pasta with truffles and parmesan, Wagyu beef entrecote, filet mignon with red wine sauce, lamb chops with puree, blue cheeses (Roquefort, Stillton, Gorgonzolla), desserts based on dark chocolate and black fruits.

Recommended serving temperature: 16-18⁰C
