Beciul Domnesc
Medium dry
Appetisers, salads, fish and seafood
Beciul Domnesc Rose Wine 750ml

Beciul Domnesc ROSE is one of the pioneers of rosé wine consumption in Romania. Subtly and elegantly it makes you see that rosé, a medium dry and semi-aromatic wine is the wine that can be associated with a wide range of dishes, from appetisers to dessert. Cool it well and serve it with confidence! You will be pleasantly surprised by the subtlety of the aromatic accents of rose and pink grapefruit.
Best served with: Appetisers, salads, fish and seafood
Recommended serving temperature: 8-10⁰C
Fermentation fact: 24 hours of pre-fermentative maceration, for aromatic extraction, followed by fermentation at a controlled temperature of 10⁰C.
Beciul Domnesc Rose Wine 750ml