Advance notice

April half term break

Dear customers,

Please note that between the 4th and the 20th of April, we will be "out of the office" due to school half term. If you are planning on ordering your preferred drinks for the Easter holiday or looking to try something new, we suggest you act now.

Before this period, business is per usual.

You can still place your orders during this time as these will be processed on the 21st of April and deliveries will commence with the 22nd of April.

Thank you for your understanding!


Alexandrion 5 Stars Classic Collection Brandy with two glasses 700ml


Alexandrion 5* is obtained through the distillation process of superior Romanian wines and it is aged in oak barrels.

These barrels are kept in the cellar under strictly controlled humidity and temperature, until the best quality brandy is obtained. Latest technology is being used to make sure the best quality products are born.

Two glasses have been added for the enjoyment of this fine drink, perfect as a gift.

Regular price £27.70
Alexandrion 5 Stars Classic Collection Brandy with two glasses 700ml