Why not try something new?
With over 250 labels and more than 3,000 products in stock in our UK warehouse, we are home of the most diverse selection of Romanian alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Flash sale
- Silva Dark lager, 7% ABV
- Authentic Romanian craft-quality beer
- Some say it's better than Guinness
- Most would enjoy in the cold season
- 80 points on Beer Advocate
- Intense taste of caramelised malt and fine notes of chocolate that can be enjoyed with a lava cake or a burger
- £12.99 reduced from £14.40
- Buy 5 cases (20 cans) and get one case (4 cans) FREE or an additional 10% OFF if you are a first time customer
- Offer ends 30th of January
Product of the week
20th of January - 26th of January
- Cramele Recas Castel Huniade
- Muscat Ottonel, medium sweet
- Late harvest grapes
- Clear, colour of hay with green hues
- Notes of tropical fruit (mango), gooseberry, white peaches, honey and a slight rose aroma
- Best served with: fine mouldy cheese, fish, desserts like pies, fruit tarts, the traditional cozonac or nougat
- £9.92 reduced from £12.40 when added in the shopping basket